Up albums.lunelson.com » 2010 » 2010-09-02 Oregon and Washington Slideshow

IMG_5231 group shot after breakfast
IMG_5233 group shot after breakfast
IMG_5235 marcy and amanda
IMG_5236 group shot with me
IMG_5240 cannon beach
IMG_5242 cannon beach
IMG_5245 ecola bug
IMG_5248 distant beach
IMG_5250 cannon beach
IMG_5252 cannon beach
IMG_5253 ecola beach
IMG_5262 astoria docks with sea lions
IMG_5267 sea lions
IMG_5270 sea lion swimming
IMG_5284 sea lion dozing
IMG_5290 lavender farm treehouse
IMG_5292 field of lavender
IMG_5294 bright white flower
IMG_5295 olympia burger
IMG_5297 olympia burger

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